Category: Inspiration
Matthew 14:13-27 (NIV)
So, Jesus heard that John the Baptist has been beheaded, he took his disciples, and left town to a remote place maybe to get away from the noise. But then, the crowd of people followed him.
Since it was a remote place, there’s no place nearby for the crowd to go get food to eat. Jesus then, fed 5,000 men-besides women and children with 2 loaves of bread and 2 fish leaving enough picked up leftover pieces that filled 12 baskets. – You know the story
After dinner, he immediately sent his disciples to go ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. He then went away to be alone by himself to pray before joining them.
Now refreshed, he proceeded to go join his disciples by walking across the Lake because they were on the other side. The disciples seeing him coming, became afraid thinking it was his ghost. Jesus said “Take courage it is I, do not be afraid”. Peter requested to join him and Jesus said “Come.”
Peter then stepped out of the boat and started walking on the Lake as well towards Jesus.
It is written; But when he saw the wind, and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith” he said “why did you doubt”
Peter; 1) took his eyes off Jesus and 2) saw the wind which created 3) fear then he started 4) sinking. 5) Realizing he was sinking, cried out for help -Lord, save me! We were told Jesus immediately, reached out his hand, and caught him. But the question Jesus asked Peter was, “why did you doubt?” In other words -why did you take your eyes away from me?
Taking our eyes off Jesus and the finished work of the cross will cause us to see the wind -realities of our 1) circumstances, 2) situations, 3) world and so on, thereby creating fear which makes us -to start sinking, causing us to lose heart and just like Peter, we begin to see an impossible situation.
I thank God that the story did not end there. There’s a way out. There’s help!
Just as Jesus heard Peter’s cry, reached out his hand and caught him. He got you! Do you believe this? Jesus always answers any cry for help. He’s with you always.
His name is Emmanuel – God with us. While ascending he said, “……I am with you always even unto the end of the world”- Matt 28:20
Cry out to Him today and anytime you need to. He hears you and he will help you.
Live Life Victoriously
Song of the Day
“In Jesus Name, there is a world beyond compare
In Jesus Name his perfect peace is always there
And the strength I need to live, is always His to give
In Jesus Name, in Jesus Name.”
The above words are the words to the chorus of an old song (title and author unknown)
Hello, it has been a while since I posted Words for Living. It has been quite a journey these past year and months. By His Grace, I will share a little at a time. Meanwhile, on November 9, 2017, I sang the above song chorus in my sleep with only the first three words repeatedly. I woke up still singing it. Then of course I used it to start my time with Him.
The Event
That night was rough, as I was coughing through most of it. In between being able to get a little sleep, I was thinking on what the day was going to be like:
- do I stay in bed all day and rest up?
- do I focus on tasks at hand for the day?
I don’t know. So, I took it to the Lord, asking Him on what the day was going to be like.
It was during one of those in and out sleeping moments that I heard the above song chorus with its melody.
As I meditated on the first three words that I was singing and humming, the rest of the words and melody came to mind. Why? Why this chorus? If you recall I had mentioned earlier in one of my previous posts that God does use His words through songs to encourage, and strengthen us to mention a few. As it is written “Nehemiah 8:10………the Joy of the Lord is your strength” – that was God’s words of encouragement through prophet Ezra to the Israelites.
The Answer to my Question
God knew what I should do that day – focus on tasks at hand.
He reminded me by His Spirit through the song chorus that the strength I need, to live through that day was His to give, not my 6-8 hours of sleep routine.
My sleep routine would have me believe that I am tired for lack of sleep. Then my decision will go towards staying in bed all day, which was not beneficial for that day.
I give Him praise for that day and always, that I can live through any day knowing I have the strength from Him. Thereby focusing on tasks at hand and Living life Victoriously.
I don’t know what your situation is but I do hope and pray that you remember, as it is written “Matthew 6:8…Father knows what you need before you ask Him”. Talk to Him! “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being…John 17:28”
Your Partner in Real Life Living – Victoriously
On the first day of the new school year in September 2015, we went to see our oldest granddaughter off to start grade 1, riding in the yellow school bus, that we had sang about in rhymes. Then, we drove to the school to see her come off the school bus. She came down from the bus with a friend smiling.
It was a blessed, favored, and glorious day. Later that morning, I sat on the front steps of my home, taking in the sights and sounds of all the children walking with friends, a family member, or by themselves to the nearby school.
I noticed I could not take my eyes off a particular pair walking very slowly right passed me. There was an old man holding a backpack on one hand and with the other holding a little girls hand. She is about the same height as my oldest granddaughter. She has a beautiful colored headband, keeping her hair off her face. They were talking about something because I could see the girl look up to grandpa with her lips moving as they walk along.
I proceeded to do what I always do when I’m not sure of something. Lord, why are my eyes fixed on this family? He said “you are right they are a family notice how he is carrying her backpack and in step with her having a conversation? So, am I with my children. Whenever they are going through a new life experience, I am there carrying any burden they may have”
Now, it’s December 2015. I’m sitting this time in my dining room at the table having breakfast, while watching the children go by to school through the bay window. Guess who comes walking by, grandpa and his granddaughter. This time, with his hands behind him, he is walking a step behind his granddaughter who this time, is carrying her backpack. And I thought, Lord, there they are, and He said “yes just as he is walking a step behind her, so am I with my children. A sign of allowing them to develop trust and confident in their walk with Me knowing if they need Me, I am there.”
I am reminded of Jesus’s last words as he ascended into heaven in, Matthew 28:20…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (NIV)
During the holiday seasons, sometimes one can experience the feeling of loneliness into the New Year with a sense of no one cares about you or what you are going through. Whatever the case may be, remember you are not alone. It may not feel like it but if you have faith and believe, it is in these moments and times that you experience His grace, faithfulness and mercy because He is right there.
Live life Victoriously
In the past months, we have celebrated both Thanksgiving and Remembrance day. Both celebrations were focused on showing appreciation to friends, family and those who fought for the freedom we all so enjoy.
One day, as I was thinking of these celebrations and asking myself if I have truly shown appreciation, God asked me “What about Me”? I replied Lord, I don’t understand and He reminded me that He gave His only son for the salvation of mankind. I will go into detail some other time. But keep that question in mind.
Now we are into the Christmas season, a time of wishing people around us well by exchanging gifts, sharing meals and winding down the year as we enter the new with something we all do once a year such as:
- Pray into the new year or
- Attend a new year’s eve party or
- Watch Thursday night football or
- Seat before the television to enjoy how various countries enter the New Year with light festivities
However you celebrate it, let be another reminder of the gift God gave us. He gave us first so we can have abundant life and live victoriously. Matthew 1:18-25
Verse 21 – And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
We cannot live the abundant victorious life on our own effort no matter how organized, smart or good we are because it is a life based on the Spirit of God. As it is written in Zechariah 4:6; Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts”.
- How did you celebrate your thanksgiving and remembrance holidays?
- How are you celebrating Christmas (us acknowledging the receipt of God’s gift to us)?
- What are you giving Him in return?
Having acknowledged the receipt of the gift God gave in His son, are you enjoying the abundant victorious life that He brings? If not, why not. Self-examining yourself in the light of the word you know is a good place to start. Send me an email with any question(s) or prayer requestds you may have.
Have a blessed, favored and glorious day in Him,
Live Life Victoriously
Exodus 14:13-16
The Story
The children of Israel were living the land of Egypt to a place where they can worship their God, when they came across the red sea in front of them. Meanwhile the King of Egypt (Pharaoh) has changed his mind about letting them go and started pursuit to get them back. Imagine if you can the situation of the Israelites, the king and his armies behind them and the red sea in front of them they started doing what we all do murmuring, complaining, crying etc to their leader Moses…you can read the rest of the story. But this is what the Lord said;
Exodus 14: 15: “….to Moses, Why do you cry unto Me? Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward:”
As I thought about this verse, the Holy Spirit revealed to me how these words can be used during a difficult time.
Are you going through a difficult time? If you are, this is the word of the Lord to you. Stop complaining and stop crying. It is easy to give excuses and blame others and this has to stop before you can move forward through this time. How?
The Instruction
Verse 16 gives you direction on how to move past this difficult time: For Moses God said to him;
“But lift thou up thy rod and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.”
Let’s break it down for us in today:
1) But lift thou up thy rod – what is in your hand that He has given you to use? For Moses it was a rod what’s in yours?
2) ..and stretch out thine hand over the sea and divide it– use it as He has instructed. What you have in your hands has an instruction with it. What is it and use it as instructed.
3) ..and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea – the result is you will overcome your difficult time and problem and walk through it and the victory will be yours.
A wise man once said to me “Every completed instruction births a miracle of season.”
If you have any questions, send me an email below
“Your Partner in Real Living”