Everything is under control – He Got You!

Matthew 14:13-27 (NIV)

So, Jesus heard that John the Baptist has been beheaded, he took his disciples, and left town to a remote place maybe to get away from the noise. But then, the crowd of people followed him.

Since it was a remote place, there’s no place nearby for the crowd to go get food to eat. Jesus then, fed 5,000 men-besides women and children with 2 loaves of bread and 2 fish leaving enough picked up leftover pieces that filled 12 baskets. – You know the story

After dinner, he immediately sent his disciples to go ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. He then went away to be alone by himself to pray before joining them.

Now refreshed, he proceeded to go join his disciples by walking across the Lake because they were on the other side. The disciples seeing him coming, became afraid thinking it was his ghost. Jesus said “Take courage it is I, do not be afraid”. Peter requested to join him and Jesus said “Come.”

Peter then stepped out of the boat and started walking on the Lake as well towards Jesus.

It is written; But when he saw the wind, and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith” he said “why did you doubt”

Peter; 1) took his eyes off Jesus and 2) saw the wind which created 3) fear then he started 4) sinking. 5) Realizing he was sinking, cried out for help -Lord, save me! We were told Jesus immediately, reached out his hand, and caught him. But the question Jesus asked Peter was, “why did you doubt?” In other words -why did you take your eyes away from me?

Taking our eyes off Jesus and the finished work of the cross will cause us to see the wind -realities of our 1) circumstances, 2) situations, 3) world and so on, thereby creating fear which makes us -to start sinking, causing us to lose heart and just like Peter, we begin to see an impossible situation.

I thank God that the story did not end there. There’s a way out. There’s help!

Just as Jesus heard Peter’s cry, reached out his hand and caught him. He got you! Do you believe this? Jesus always answers any cry for help. He’s with you always.

His name is Emmanuel – God with us. While ascending he said, “……I am with you always even unto the end of the world”- Matt 28:20

Cry out to Him today and anytime you need to. He hears you and he will help you.

Live Life Victoriously

Judges 6:14 ….” Go in the strength you have…….” NIV

Hello blessed ones,

As the year is coming to an end, you are probably working very hard to accomplish the goals you set out with when it started. I want you to know you can still finish strong and I am here to encourage you.

I am not big on making New Year resolutions. However;

  1. I do set goals that I can measure and evaluate the progress of over the year.
  2. Noting what worked and what didn’t and
  3. make appropriate improvement or changes.

For me, during this time of year, is work-clean up time in – accounting, taxes, year ends, filings, bookkeeping, follow up calls and the list goes on. So, one of my prayers is “O God, Help!” Lol!

The truth is I need strength to accomplish the goals regarding my work. I am reminded of a scripture in Nehemiah 8 please read from verses 1-10 to understand how the Israelites were overwhelmed by the public reading of Moses’ law and teachings. However, they were encouraged in verse 10 especially in the last part “…. for the joy of the Lord is your strength”. This is great! But sometimes we want something more.

And that brings me to part of the scriptures in Judges 6:14 …. “Go in the strength you have….” Again, please read verses 11-16 to fully understand how Gideon was overwhelmed by the attacks on his community.

I find strength in knowing that as I rejoice in the Lord, I am strengthened and with that strength in Him, my rock, and nothing else, I can not be overwhelmed by anyone, anything or circumstances.

May you be encouraged today, knowing whenever you are overwhelmed to,

  • rejoice in the Lord your rock and
  • go in the strength you have

If you have any question(s), or prayer need, send me an email, for our God is able.

Jesus said “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 NIV


Live Life Victoriously


The PERFECT Package

Blessed day to you!

While practicing my silent devotion this morning I was prompted to share the following situation.


Regardless of how uncomfortable and difficult these times have been and are, you can’t go back to the way things were because that place that you knew is no longer there.


The situation

Having to pay bank service charges and transfer fees for each e-transfers on our bank account is not something that sits right with me. I don’t mind paying service charges but the transfer fees make me uncomfortable.

So, I requested a meeting with our account manager and with great patience and attentiveness, he listened to me vent.

At the end of our phone call, he suggested a different package that I may be comfortable with. This new package had some key advantages, like the service charge being lower and wait for it… no extra transfer fees for e-transfers. Yay!

However, it has one huge disadvantage – transactions are limited. Meaning, I have to keep track of all my transactions to ensure I do not exceed the numbers allowed, because exceeding it will increase the cost of the service charge very quickly.

After trying this new package for a month as the account manager suggested, I requested another meeting. The meeting was to reinstate my former package because tracking my transaction had become a chore and it was stealing my peace.

Again, he listened and proceeded to remind me of two things; 1) in the near future, changes that I am not a fan of are coming and, 2) the former package I had will no longer exist as I knew it. He then came up with a package for me, that was PERFECT.

Just as my account manager came up with the perfect account package for me, I want you to remember that God your Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ and with the help of the Holy Spirit has prepared the PERFECT package for your situation.

Spend time with Him today and always, sit at His feet, discuss your situation with Him. He will show you the plan and once you see and know it, like me, you will say “it’s perfect!”

If you have any prayer need, send me an email, for our God is Alive, Well and Able.


Live Life Victoriously


Hello everyone, it’s been some years that I shared anything with you. Does that mean there hasn’t been anything to share? No, not at all.

During these past years, my family has grown with new additions of a new grandbaby and a new daughter in-law to which we are grateful. Also, Rev Henry and I:

  • visited our native land (Nigeria)
  • spent some time away to Disney World in Orlando, Florida with the grandchildren to celebrate our oldest grandchild 10th birthday, just to name a few.

It has been busy and I give God praise. The God we serve is faithful. During these past years we’ve also seen amazing miracles that our God did restoring health to babies that doctors gave up on. Healing to adult physical bodies, family reconciliations, rededications of souls, miraculous provisions and much more. In all these, what the enemy planned to do, God in the name of Jesus reversed and restored His plan, bringing glory to His name. We’ve also mourned the lives of departed dear friends.

Now, this year of 2020 has been a unique year that has seen our world change and continue to change. I want to encourage you to stay focus on who you are. Yes, there are challenges especially,

  • in households where words are allowed to just fly out of our mouths without any thought of the effect it’s creating
  • even in households where not much is said, the silence speaks
  • busy households where it’s easy to get on each other’s nerves by not hearing or listening to one another

Whatever your situation may be, do not loose sight of who you are. You and I serve a God who makes possible the impossible during difficult times. He makes a way where there seems to be no way.

I am reminded in the scriptures of Moses and the Israelites through the Red Sea (Exodus 14). The Woman with the Issue of blood (Luke 8:40-44), to name a few.

If you have any prayer need, send me an email, for our God is able.


Live Life Victoriously

In Jesus Name

Song of the Day

“In Jesus Name, there is a world beyond compare
In Jesus Name his perfect peace is always there
And the strength I need to live, is always His to give
In Jesus Name, in Jesus Name.”

The above words are the words to the chorus of an old song (title and author unknown)

Hello, it has been a while since I posted Words for Living. It has been quite a journey these past year and months. By His Grace, I will share a little at a time. Meanwhile, on November 9, 2017, I sang the above song chorus in my sleep with only the first three words repeatedly. I woke up still singing it. Then of course I used it to start my time with Him.

The Event

That night was rough, as I was coughing through most of it. In between being able to get a little sleep, I was thinking on what the day was going to be like:

  • do I stay in bed all day and rest up?
  • do I focus on tasks at hand for the day?

I don’t know. So, I took it to the Lord, asking Him on what the day was going to be like.

It was during one of those in and out sleeping moments that I heard the above song chorus with its melody.

As I meditated on the first three words that I was singing and humming, the rest of the words and melody came to mind. Why? Why this chorus? If you recall I had mentioned earlier in one of my previous posts that God does use His words through songs to encourage, and strengthen us to mention a few. As it is written “Nehemiah 8:10………the Joy of the Lord is your strength” – that was God’s words of encouragement through prophet Ezra to the Israelites.

The Answer to my Question

God knew what I should do that day – focus on tasks at hand.

He reminded me by His Spirit through the song chorus that the strength I need, to live through that day was His to give, not my 6-8 hours of sleep routine.

My sleep routine would have me believe that I am tired for lack of sleep. Then my decision will go towards staying in bed all day, which was not beneficial for that day.

I give Him praise for that day and always, that I can live through any day knowing I have the strength from Him. Thereby focusing on tasks at hand and Living life Victoriously.

I don’t know what your situation is but I do hope and pray that you remember, as it is written “Matthew 6:8…Father knows what you need before you ask Him”. Talk to Him! “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being…John 17:28”

Your Partner in Real Life Living – Victoriously

You Are Not Alone

On the first day of the new school year in September 2015, we went to see our oldest granddaughter off to start grade 1, riding in the yellow school bus, that we had sang about in rhymes. Then, we drove to the school to see her come off the school bus. She came down from the bus with a friend smiling.

It was a blessed, favored, and glorious day. Later that morning, I sat on the front steps of my home, taking in the sights and sounds of all the children walking with friends, a family member, or by themselves to the nearby school.

I noticed I could not take my eyes off a particular pair walking very slowly right passed me. There was an old man holding a backpack on one hand and with the other holding a little girls hand. She is about the same height as my oldest granddaughter. She has a beautiful colored headband, keeping her hair off her face. They were talking about something because I could see the girl look up to grandpa with her lips moving as they walk along.

I proceeded to do what I always do when I’m not sure of something. Lord, why are my eyes fixed on this family? He said “you are right they are a family notice how he is carrying her backpack and in step with her having a conversation? So, am I with my children. Whenever they are going through a new life experience, I am there carrying any burden they may have”

Now, it’s December 2015. I’m sitting this time in my dining room at the table having breakfast, while watching the children go by to school through the bay window. Guess who comes walking by, grandpa and his granddaughter. This time, with his hands behind him, he is walking a step behind his granddaughter who this time, is carrying her backpack. And I thought, Lord, there they are, and He said “yes just as he is walking a step behind her, so am I with my children. A sign of allowing them to develop trust and confident in their walk with Me knowing if they need Me, I am there.”

I am reminded of Jesus’s last words as he ascended into heaven in, Matthew 28:20…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (NIV)

During the holiday seasons, sometimes one can experience the feeling of loneliness into the New Year with a sense of no one cares about you or what you are going through. Whatever the case may be, remember you are not alone. It may not feel like it but if you have faith and believe, it is in these moments and times that you experience His grace, faithfulness and mercy because He is right there.

Live life Victoriously

In Remembrance

In the past months, we have celebrated both Thanksgiving and Remembrance day. Both celebrations were focused on showing appreciation to friends, family and those who fought for the freedom we all so enjoy.

One day, as I was thinking of these celebrations and asking myself if I have truly shown appreciation, God asked me “What about Me”? I replied Lord, I don’t understand and He reminded me that He gave His only son for the salvation of mankind. I will go into detail some other time. But keep that question in mind.

Now we are into the Christmas season, a time of wishing people around us well by exchanging gifts, sharing meals and winding down the year as we enter the new with something we all do once a year such as:

  • Pray into the new year or
  • Attend a new year’s eve party or
  • Watch Thursday night football or
  • Seat before the television to enjoy how various countries enter the New Year with light festivities

However you celebrate it, let be another reminder of the gift God gave us. He gave us first so we can have abundant life and live victoriously. Matthew 1:18-25

Verse 21 – And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

We cannot live the abundant victorious life on our own effort no matter how organized, smart or good we are because it is a life based on the Spirit of God. As it is written in Zechariah 4:6; Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts”.


  • How did you celebrate your thanksgiving and remembrance holidays?
  • How are you celebrating Christmas (us acknowledging the receipt of God’s gift to us)?
  • What are you giving Him in return?

Having acknowledged the receipt of the gift God gave in His son, are you enjoying the abundant victorious life that He brings? If not, why not. Self-examining yourself in the light of the word you know is a good place to start. Send me an email with any question(s) or prayer requestds you may have.

Have a blessed, favored and glorious day in Him,
Live Life Victoriously

Rewrite History

Medical report, Negative reports, Habits, Tempers, etc

As I watched the children’s show called “Super Why” with my grand children, I observed a methodology that is similar to the life of the disciple.

Wyett in Super Why with his team of experts always come to the aid of a troubled character. Listening and understanding the problem, they refer to a book where they find the right word to apply to the root of the problem at hand, the character’s life is changed forever and all is well.

Note however; that the character desired and believed that something has to change but has no way of making it happen on its own, with no other option he/she continued miserably doing the same things over and over and over again.

Just as Wyett refers to a book to find the right word to apply to the root of problems thereby changing the life of its characters, the Bible is the book we consult to find that right word we can apply to the root of any problem we face in our lives everyday.

The word of God has the power to create what is needed and change our lives forever if we believe and are ready for it.

Scripture-The word of God is a standard as the Book of the ages
Psalm.119:89 – Your word O Lord is eternal it stands firm in the heavens
Matthew. 24:35 – Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. The word of God is powerful in its influence as;
A Crushing Hammer; Jeremiah 23:29 – “Is not my word like fire,” declares the Lord “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces”
A Probing Instrument; Hebrew 4:12 – For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

What is your situation today? Do you desire a change and do you believe in the word of God to do what it says it will do?

Song of the day; Ascribe Greatness by Don Moen
A God of faithfulness without injustice. Good and upright is He
Ascribe Greatness to our God the rock. His work is perfect and all His
ways are just.

Let me know how you are doing

Live life Victoriously!

A Healing Experience

The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit – Proverbs 18:21

With the excitement and anticipation of a summer holiday trip, just before the cab arrived to take us to the airport, I tumbled down the stairs going down to the basement and landed to a stop 3/4 quarter ways. I noticed a few broken finger nails and felt no pain anywhere else but noticed my ankle was in a strange position. This was about 8:00am.

Carefully I stood up and examined my left ankle by moving and feeling it around for any sign of injury to which there was none. I continued merrily down the stairs, got what I needed, and ran back up the stairs. Woo hoo! I was good to go! I clipped off the broken nails and filed them down. The cab arrived and we were off.

This trip is a long one of 20 hours of flying time and 10 hours of waiting time. The first 2 hours of flying time to Toronto from Winnipeg International Airport was at 11:55am. At about an hour in, all is going very well when suddenly I noticed I couldn’t wiggle the left toes in my shoe. Upon examination, I could feel nothing in my foot except throbbing.

After I calmed down, I prayed, “God, what is this? What’s going on? It was fine when I fell down and it’s being fine since. What is it?” He replied, “Sprained Ankle.” With this, I thought after a brief moment of silence, and realized this can’t happen not now, not later, not tomorrow, nor ever. I addressed the situation by speaking healing to my ankle commanding the ligaments and muscles to, “be healed, made whole, restore.” My Pastor, Pastor Maria Efezino, taught me this. I asked the airhostess for some ice, and started rubbing it on my ankle. I could not remove my shoes at this time.

When we arrived Pearson International Airport, it was 3:19pm local time and I could not stand on my left leg. Passengers who saw me earlier where wondering what happened? My husband was in shock at the sight. I hopped hanging on to the seats, the left rail up the ramp, and into the airport where I started looking for an assistant to get to our next gate by riding in the cart.

The driver dropped us off in front of an elevator with gentle, kind and specific instructions for us to follow to which I was grateful. To God be the glory the elevator had my husband and I in it. I am not happy with this situation. I angrily addressed my ankle again “look this is not funny, okay. Because I am that I am, be healed, made whole, restore. We are going to have fun on this trip and there is no room for you to be this way. Are you hearing me?………” Then I mumbled something that I can’t remember.

As the elevator opened seconds later I hopped out on my right foot. Then I felt I could use the tip of my shoe on the left foot for support instead of the handrails. Hallelujah! I proceeded to limping the rest of the way to the gate where we will start on the second part of our trip and sit for 8 hours. It was 4:40pm

You know the rest of the story. Throbbing was gone and I can walk again.

We frame our world with the words of our mouth. Proverbs 18:21 reads; “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. What situation are you facing right now and what do you want? Choose your words carefully. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. God has never changed. Christ died and resurrected so I can live life victoriously restoring all that I am to be and it is the same for you as well, physically, mentally, financially and spiritually.

Just so you know, at the end of our holiday, as I got ready for the journey back home, the left shoe had increased in size. I had to wear a light sock for comfort so I could walk properly without it constantly slipping off. So, if you see me wearing a light sock in one shoe and tights in the other you know why.

“When you see into the invisible you will believe for the impossible”
– Papa Morris Cerullo

If you have any comment or question send me an email below
Your Partner in Real Living

Financial Bumps

During the summer months, it’s so easy to experience financial derailment. For the most part, everything outside is so bright and beautiful, school is out and families are out and about site seeing, traveling, eating-out, shopping and so forth. During these times one can experience financial bumps. Lets use the analogy of driving a car through a road with potholes in some areas; you will agree with me that you go through the pothole areas at a slow speed. The ride becomes bumpy and shaky for a while then after that you get back on track, pick up speed and the ride is smooth again.
So also is managing your money when you experience a financial bump especially after the summer holiday months. You can get back on track again slowly but surely.
Though you maybe on top of your finance, below are some things that cause financial bumps to name a few:
1. Unexpected expense
2. Undisciplined spending behavior
3. Shortage of budgeted funds categories
Getting back on track is possible but you have to stay focus. Just like the pot holes on the roads that create the bumpy shaky rides, identify the financial potholes in your life. Plan ahead knowing now your potholes and prepare better to avoid creating them.
If the financial pothole is an unexpected expense, set up a plan to get back on track. If you used your credit card, have a plan to pay it off. If it’s from your savings, that’s better, just keep saving and thank God that you have some saved monies. What if the saved money is not enough? Well, it helps to have some save monies because the potholes you created won’t be as big.
Potholes resulting from undisciplined spending behavior; well make a list of all that your heart desires, create a category in your savings fund and start saving towards those things one at a time and you just have to counsel yourself and say “NO, I can get that later not today”
Potholes resulting from shortage of budgeted funds, no problem, create the category you need and start saving actively to minimize the size of potholes you’ve created.
Prayerfully and carefully think about your plan in light of your resources, take the time to write it down and actively engage in the process to ensure focus on the plan.
If you do get frustrated don’t stay there. Face whatever is the cause of the frustration get help if you need to. The emotion of the frustration you feel says you can’t achieve something you are trying to achieve. This is not true. You can do anything you set your mind to.
Read Gen. 42:1-25(ESV); As Jacob sent his son’s to Egypt to buy corn/grain during the time of famine taking their monies with them, how did we know this? We were told in verse 25 that Joseph replaced every man’s money in his sack. Start this process today for, whatever you buy take your money with you. If you use your credit card, pay it off right away because you have the money already.

Send me an email or letter with any question(s) you may have using the contact me page
Your Partner in Victorious Living

The less fortunate

What does it mean to be Less Fortunate?
To be less fortunate means living below an acceptable living standard when resources are insufficient to meet basic needs such as Food, Shelter and clothing on a daily basis.


Why are some of us Less Fortunate?
Being less fortunate exists because of the disparity that is present among people in a community due to the:

  1.  Lack of the desire to learn
  2.  Lack of opportunity
  3.  Emergency circumstances

Where are the less fortunate?
They are everywhere.  In cities, towns wherever there are group of people in all races, there are the less fortunate.

Who is affected by less fortunate circumstances?
Individuals such as single men, women and families such as single parents especially children.  Why children? They are the recipient of their parent(s) economical status.

What can you do?

  • If you know anyone that is  less fortunate, get to know them and find out what is their story.
  • If you can, having heard their story what can you do to assist them out of their situation?
  • Volunteer at any of the various agencies
  • Donate something

What is your perception of the less fortunate?

One Solitary Life

A Reading Version of One Solitary Life
(the original version by Dr. James Allan Francis)

Let us turn now to the story.
A child is born in an obscure village. He grew up in still another village where he worked in a carpenters shop until he was thirty. For three years he was an itinerant preacher;
He never wrote a book
He never held an office
He never raises an army
He never has a family of his own
He never owns a home
He never goes to college
He never travels two hundred miles from the place where he was born

While still a young man, the tide of public opinion turned against him
He was turned over to his enemies
He goes through the mockery of a trial
He is nailed to a cross between two thieves
His executioners gambled for his clothing, the only property he owned
When he was dead, he was laid in a borrowed grave

Those are the facts of this human life. He rises from the dead and today we look back across nineteen hundred years and ask what was his influence across the centuries?
When we try to sum it up;
All the armies that ever marched
All the parliaments that ever sat
All the kings that ever reigned

Can not compare in their influence on mankind as this One Solitary Life.


As the 1st quarter of the year is here, check your actuals to your budget.

For your business, ensure you are not over spending already in certain categories and under spending in others. You still have some time to keep your payables within your budget.

Personal, I’m sure by now you’ve recovered from all the Christmas debt you accumulated if any and you are now getting back on track with your spending plan/budget. Start planning now for all the celebrations of this year including December 25, 2014 by putting a little amount of money as you can afford aside.

Remember having a TFSA account can help towards this goal if you need help.

Food for Thought

I am reminded of the words to a chorus I knew from long ago during my time of meditation this morning as follows:

“It is no longer I that liveth,
But Christ that liveth in me”– 2x
Jesus is the life in me

Is He the one living in you? Thoughts??
Your Partner In Real Living

How to Say It

Regardless of what flavor you prefer, there is something satisfying to the taste bud with the crunch and taste of lay’s potato chips.  Some people will do anything to get that satisfaction, even at the expense of another’s time and their self – esteem.

This commercial was taped in an Esthetician’s salon where Grace the Esthetician   was busy talking to Diane her customer about a personal matter while applying the first coat of the red colored nail polish.  Diane was listening intently to what Grace was saying with both her hands stretched in front of her when suddenly she heard a sound from the right side of her – C-R-U-N-C-H.

It was Lucy the receptionist, she was on break sitting comfortably in the lounge and had just eaten a regular flavored chip from the bag of Lay’s potato chips she was holding in her hand.  Diane turned in the direction of the sound and with a yearning look, swept her tongue across her bottom lips in a right to left motion. She took a deep breath as if she could taste the potato chips while listening to Grace.

Just as Grace stood up for a moment and walked away to get something she needed from behind her, the phone rang.   Lucy dropped the bag of chips, wiped her hands and hurriedly walked to the front desk to answer the phone.

In a split second Diane with her wet nails quietly dashed into the lounging area, reached inside the bag of chips, grab a few, very quickly threw them in her mouth, and walked back to her seat, placed her hands back where they were, with a puckered mouth and eyes roaming the room.

Just then, Grace looked down in wide-eyed horror and starred at Diane’s hands stained with little crumbs of lay’s potato chips.  Loss for words, she very slowly lifts up her head to look at Diane with her puckered mouth and roaming eyes, and down again at her hands.

Both ladies still loss for words, starred at each other as Diane made the sound –C-R-U-N-C-H from her mouth, closes her eyes in satisfaction of the harmony of the sound and flavor with a groaning and smile.

O! What some people will do at the expense of another’s time and self – esteem.

All names are fictitious.


O! The Joy of Maintenance

I have had various maintenance projects in my lifetime. From washing down external walls to landscaping my backyard to the most recent one “my deck”

As a Nigerian Canadian, the word maintenance is foreign to some of us regarding the houses we live in.

My first experience of maintenance was the fall of 1984, most of the ladies at church were talking about fall cleaning and I quickly understood it to be the period of recycling clothes, shoes including washing down the inside walls, kitchen cupboards and the list goes on.

I was fascinated by this and thinking to myself; what is this culture all about? Why do they do these things? Is it that they can’t afford to replace these items? They must be really poor.

As time went on, we located to a big city to continue with our work in the mission field.  While here the Lord blessed us with a house that has an external garage building.  The wooden garage door always bordered me because it looked old and by my standard need replacing.

I started making enquiries regarding how we can replace it. In that process I talked to a colleague at work that is an expert on woodwork and she informed me about why the garage door looked that way.  She said what I see are build up of weather conditions and dust. She proceeded to tell me all I needed to do is pressure wash it. I was startled and now very curious; what is pressure wash I asked?

She gave me a detailed instruction on where I can rent the tools I need and how to use it. I could not wait for the perfect Saturday morning to get to work.  The result was outstanding.

Years later we moved to another city and our home had a beautiful backyard and a deck. Over time, I noticed the same look I saw on my former garage on the deck, except this time I knew what to do.  So, I made a few enquiries with neighbors regarding pressure washing it and the vote was unanimous. I went to work and was amazed at the beautiful woodwork underneath the grime that weather conditions have created.  Above is a before and after photo of a portion of my deck before applying the proper stain to protect it and gives it a new look.

O! The Joy of Maintenance.


Who’s Paying for Coffee?

Whenever you invite someone to join you for coffee, do you communicate who’s paying?

There are 3 facts I will like us to consider today:

1) Not everybody has a budget for coffee
2) Money is Money
3) People like to feel special

Not everybody has a budget for coffee.  Communicating who’s paying for coffee will eliminate the embarrassing feeling of lack and enable your friend to relax and enjoy your company. In the Nigerian culture when I invite you out for a meal outside my home, it is on me.  So you will understand the culture shock I experienced when invited out for coffee within weeks of my arrival to St Pierre-Jolly’s located south of Winnipeg.

A group of ladies were going for coffee and I was invited.  Glad to get out into the community, I accepted.  We all sat down placed our orders and at the end I noticed the ladies lining up at the check out register.  At this, I realized I have to pay for my coffee and snack.

I was embarrassed because my husband is a student, I don’t have a job and no money. Not even for coffee.  After a brief pause and O God! O God! O God! I pulled myself together and asked one of the ladies if she will be kind to pay for my bill and I will reimburse her at a later date.  She was happy to do it.

Money is money. Think of this for a second.  Communicating who’s paying will make your friends appreciate you more and maybe actually look forward to spending time with you. For example; A local foundation benefiting from the discontinuation of pennies estimated hundreds of dollars which they hope to use in their food program that teaches young people how to shop and cook in the kitchen especially immigrant youth.  Another non-profit organization will exchange the pennies to buy toothpaste, toothbrushes and other necessities for people in transit.  Be it in pennies or bills money is money. See diagram below.

We as individuals/people generally like to feel special.  Communicating who’s paying for coffee could gain you a life – time friendship.  I do not have tons of friends but with the ones I do have, we take turn paying for our meals whenever we choose to go out for one.

In conclusion; having lived in this great country of ours call Canada, for at least 25 years now; the prices of coffees/cup before you are from 2010 and I am sure it has increased since then.  Who’s paying for coffee? When next you extend an invitation to someone to join you?  Communicate it.



Money is money.

In conclusion; having lived in this great country of ours call Canada, for at least 25 years now; the prices of coffees/cup before you are from 2010 and I am sure it has increased since then.  Who’s paying for coffee? When next you extend an invitation to someone to join you?  Communicate it.




Living life in phases as it presents itself is rewarding and enjoyable though sometimes challenging.

My name is Choice Idonije. I am a Nigerian Canadian since 1990.  I was born in a small town called Sapele in the Delta State of Nigeria, West Africa in the 50s where I had all my education.  After school I worked as a Quantity Surveyor with an oil company called the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.  Quantity Surveyors are known as Building Estimators here in Canada.

I am married with 4 adult children and 3 beautiful grand children.  My husband, 3 of our children and I came to Canada as missionaries and settled initially in St Pierre Jollies where my husband travelled to Otterburne to attend Otterburne Bible College to study divinity and theology.  I travelled to the Red River Community College to study Building Construction.  I later switched into the Accounting profession for lack of work in the building construction industry within small communities.

We relocated to Rock Lake where we worked as the resident Pastors at the Family Enrichment Camp for 2 years.

After we were made aware of an opportunity to work and help people in the City of Brandon, we moved there from Rock Lake. Once there my husband, with the help of the community pioneered an outreach to the less fortunate, addressing homelessness, poverty, and other issues for the next 25 years.

A year ago, my husband and I retired and moved here (the city of Winnipeg) to be close to our daughter, her family and the airport.

I enjoy travelling, good food, music, sight seeing and reading biographies. In 2011 for example, I travelled for 9 of the 12 months.  This year however I have scaled back my travelling because I want to enjoy more time at home with my family, neighbors, church and of course my fellow toastmasters.

Now that I’m retired, my goal is to develop the ability to confidently address an audience and give presentations in a clear and concise manner for this next phase of my life.

Living life in phases as it presents itself is rewarding and enjoyable though sometimes challenging.
