
Hello everyone, it’s been some years that I shared anything with you. Does that mean there hasn’t been anything to share? No, not at all.
During these past years, my family has grown with new additions of a new grandbaby and a new daughter in-law to which we are grateful. Also, Rev Henry and I:
- visited our native land (Nigeria)
- spent some time away to Disney World in Orlando, Florida with the grandchildren to celebrate our oldest grandchild 10th birthday, just to name a few.
It has been busy and I give God praise. The God we serve is faithful. During these past years we’ve also seen amazing miracles that our God did restoring health to babies that doctors gave up on. Healing to adult physical bodies, family reconciliations, rededications of souls, miraculous provisions and much more. In all these, what the enemy planned to do, God in the name of Jesus reversed and restored His plan, bringing glory to His name. We’ve also mourned the lives of departed dear friends.
Now, this year of 2020 has been a unique year that has seen our world change and continue to change. I want to encourage you to stay focus on who you are. Yes, there are challenges especially,
- in households where words are allowed to just fly out of our mouths without any thought of the effect it’s creating
- even in households where not much is said, the silence speaks
- busy households where it’s easy to get on each other’s nerves by not hearing or listening to one another
Whatever your situation may be, do not loose sight of who you are. You and I serve a God who makes possible the impossible during difficult times. He makes a way where there seems to be no way.
I am reminded in the scriptures of Moses and the Israelites through the Red Sea (Exodus 14). The Woman with the Issue of blood (Luke 8:40-44), to name a few.
If you have any prayer need, send me an email, for our God is able.
Live Life Victoriously