In Jesus Name

Song of the Day
“In Jesus Name, there is a world beyond compare
In Jesus Name his perfect peace is always there
And the strength I need to live, is always His to give
In Jesus Name, in Jesus Name.”
The above words are the words to the chorus of an old song (title and author unknown)
Hello, it has been a while since I posted Words for Living. It has been quite a journey these past year and months. By His Grace, I will share a little at a time. Meanwhile, on November 9, 2017, I sang the above song chorus in my sleep with only the first three words repeatedly. I woke up still singing it. Then of course I used it to start my time with Him.
The Event
That night was rough, as I was coughing through most of it. In between being able to get a little sleep, I was thinking on what the day was going to be like:
- do I stay in bed all day and rest up?
- do I focus on tasks at hand for the day?
I don’t know. So, I took it to the Lord, asking Him on what the day was going to be like.
It was during one of those in and out sleeping moments that I heard the above song chorus with its melody.
As I meditated on the first three words that I was singing and humming, the rest of the words and melody came to mind. Why? Why this chorus? If you recall I had mentioned earlier in one of my previous posts that God does use His words through songs to encourage, and strengthen us to mention a few. As it is written “Nehemiah 8:10………the Joy of the Lord is your strength” – that was God’s words of encouragement through prophet Ezra to the Israelites.
The Answer to my Question
God knew what I should do that day – focus on tasks at hand.
He reminded me by His Spirit through the song chorus that the strength I need, to live through that day was His to give, not my 6-8 hours of sleep routine.
My sleep routine would have me believe that I am tired for lack of sleep. Then my decision will go towards staying in bed all day, which was not beneficial for that day.
I give Him praise for that day and always, that I can live through any day knowing I have the strength from Him. Thereby focusing on tasks at hand and Living life Victoriously.
I don’t know what your situation is but I do hope and pray that you remember, as it is written “Matthew 6:8…Father knows what you need before you ask Him”. Talk to Him! “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being…John 17:28”
Your Partner in Real Life Living – Victoriously